Personal Injury Lawyers Ready to Fight for You

If you have been involved in a truck accident with an 18-wheeler, big rig, or tractor-trailer, you can rely on the experience of Annie McAdams PC to help you seek compensation for your injuries. Too often when a large and heavy truck is involved, the injuries can be major or even catastrophic. An automobile or motorcycle is no match for a truck when it comes to a collision!

Speak with us in a free case review. Call 713-785-6262 for yours.

Was the trucking company at fault for hiring a truck driver who was inexperienced? Was the truck properly maintained? These are the questions our truck accident attorneys will be exploring while researching insurance information, driver records, truck maintenance, and safety records. There may even be multiple parties at fault or expert witnesses who need to be called. No worries; at Annie McAdams PC, our lawyers are extremely thorough and work hard to help you to win your case!

Common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Inadequate training
  • Speeding and other traffic violations
  • Road conditions
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Improper loading
  • Fraudulent log books
  • Driver carelessness and negligence
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Poor vehicle maintenance or improper safety equipment
  • Aggressive driving behavior by a truck driver

Defending Innocent Injury Victims

It is important to begin investigating a truck collision immediately. Working with a truck company or its insurance company is very different from dealing with automobile insurers. Trucking companies, their investigators, and their insurance companies begin their investigation as soon as a trucking collision occurs. They may be at the accident within minutes to interview witnesses or find any evidence to avoid financial responsibility to the injured parties. By quickly hiring a personal injury attorney, you give yourself the same benefit. Do not speak with an insurance adjuster before contacting our firm. Statements made in the heat of the moment may be used against you later. You risk losing compensation and even losing your claim altogether.

If you suffered from a truck collision, our level of care to our clients is unmatched. We sit down with you to discuss your options, analyzing the situation both now and in the future. We know you have medical bills to pay immediately, but we don’t want you to short yourself, in the long run, should long-term conditions develop. We have sought compensation for victims with severe injuries – brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, or burn injuries – and victims with more minor injuries. We are ready to help you, too.